Case Study: Launch of the Angel Investor Digest



<a href="" title="hypothesis icons">Hypothesis icons created by Parzival’ 1997 - Flaticon</a> Redpimento Marketing Inc., a content marketing and custom media agency, spearheaded the creation and distribution of Equity: the Angel Investor Digest, a digital magazine meticulously tailored for angel investors, startup entrepreneurs and industry service providers. The magazine featured an array of contents like community and stakeholder events, interviews, startup exposés, and other relevant topics aimed at enriching the investment strategies and networks of its readers. This project showcased producing targeted and cost-effective custom media for a trade organization.




<a href="" title="goal icons">Goal icons created by Uniconlabs - Flaticon</a>
  1. Engagement Enhancement: To foster deeper engagement and provide value to the angel investor community through targeted content.
  2. Cost Efficiency: To produce the magazine economically by integrating advertisers who benefit from exposure to a niche, financially-empowered audience.  And mixing locally authored content with industry news summaries.
  3. Brand Positioning: To position Preference Capital Inc. as a leader in timely content within the financial and startup ecosystems in Southern Ontario.




<a href="" title="challenge icons">Challenge icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon</a>
  1. Audience Specificity: The need for highly specialized content that appeals to experienced investors and reflects current trends and opportunities in the startup world.  A platform that would also attract startup founders with functional articles about their companies.
  2. Advertiser Integration: Balancing editorial integrity with the commercial interests of advertisers to fund the production was not difficult as advertisers don’t demand much editorial change, but having enough opportunities for advertising to suggest services and solutions to issues in articles was the main challenge.
  3. Distribution Strategy: Ensuring the content reaches a broad spectrum of angel investors efficiently through digital channels as well as finding active startups of interest to investors was a key challenge.




Content Planning and Development

Redpimento established an editorial board consisting of industry experts and content strategists who outlined a diverse content calendar covering key topics such as emerging market trends in California, Ontario, Canada, legal and financial news affecting angel investments, and personal stories of entrepreneurs and investors. Each piece of content was designed to provide actionable insights and foster community among readers.

Cost Management through Advertiser Involvement

To manage production costs without compromising quality, Redpimento incorporated relevant advertisers into the magazine. These advertisers were carefully selected based on their alignment with the interests of angel investors, including financial services, legal consulting, and startup tech tools. This strategy not only covered the magazine’s production costs but also added value to the readers by introducing them to beneficial products and services.

Digital Distribution

Utilizing advanced email marketing techniques, Redpimento crafted a distribution plan that ensured high open and engagement rates. The agency utilized A/B testing for subject lines and content formats to optimize reader engagement and continuously refined their approach based on analytics and feedback.



<a href="" title="results icons">Results icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>
  • Increased Engagement: The Angel Investor Digest achieved a 45% open rate and a 20% click-through rate, significantly above industry averages.
  • Cost Efficiency: Advertiser funding effectively offset production costs by 75%, allowing the magazine to be produced at a fraction of the potential cost.
  • Client Satisfaction: Feedback from the angel investor community was overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the relevance and quality of the content.




The success of Equity: the Angel Investor Digest underlines Redpimento Marketing Inc.’s expertise in creating highly specialized content that engages niche audiences while also achieving cost efficiency through strategic advertiser partnerships. This project serves as a benchmark in the content marketing and custom media industry, demonstrating Redpimento’s ability to blend creative content solutions with strategic business insights.



The Budget Discussion from our Winning Proposal


Creating a cost structure for a digital magazine aimed at angel investors involves several key components, including content creation, design, editorial oversight, and distribution. Costs can vary widely depending on the quality and depth of the content, as well as the frequency of publication. Here’s a breakdown of potential costs, categorized into lower and upper brackets based on editorial and visual quality, research intensity, and creation time:

  • Content Development
    This includes article writing, interviews, research, and content curation.

    • Lower Bracket
      • Content Quality: Basic, with limited background research and simpler topics.
      • Cost per Article: $100 – $300
      • Number of Articles per Issue: 8-10
      • Total: $800 – $3,000
    • Upper Bracket
      • Content Quality: High, involving extensive research, expert interviews, and in-depth analysis.
      • Cost per Article: $400 – $1,000
      • Number of Articles per Issue: 8-10
      • Total: $3,200 – $10,000
  • Editorial and Design
    This includes layout design, graphic design, editing, and proofreading.

    • Lower Bracket
      • Design and Editorial Work: Basic layout with minimal custom graphics; lighter editing.
      • Cost: $1,000 – $2,000 per issue
    • Upper Bracket
      • Design and Editorial Work: Custom-designed layout with professional graphics; comprehensive editing and proofreading.
      • Cost: $3,000 – $6,000 per issue
  • Distribution
    This covers the costs associated with email management systems and analytics.

    • Lower to Upper Bracket:
      • Cost: $200 – $500 per issue (assuming use of sophisticated email marketing tools for segmentation and analytics)
  • Project Management and Overhead
    General administrative costs, project management, and client communications.

    • Lower Bracket
      • Cost: $500 – $1,000 per issue
    • Upper Bracket
      • Cost: $1,500 – $3,000 per issue
  • Total Cost Per Issue (Summary)
    • Lower Bracket: $2,500 – $6,500 per issue
    • Upper Bracket: $7,900 – $19,500 per issue

These costs could be mitigated somewhat by advertising revenue, which could cover a significant portion of the magazine’s production costs, especially if the advertisers are well-aligned with the audience’s interests.

Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

After initial setup, maintaining the magazine involves ongoing content creation, design updates, and distribution management. Assuming a monthly publication schedule:

  • Lower Bracket: $30,000 – $78,000 annually
  • Upper Bracket: $94,800 – $234,000 annually

These figures provide a general guide. Actual costs can vary based on the specific demands and needs of the project, including the agency’s pricing structure, the geographic location, and the specific market conditions.